Use of FEM software in solving mechanical problems in geotechnical engineering
Here you can read a fragment of one of the “Finite element modelling in geotechnical engineering” course units.
Methods of estimation
Here you can read a fragment of one of the “Geostatistics for exploration and mining” course units, that delves into the Numerical methods of estimation. Methods of estimation Several methods of point and block estimation exist, from the simplest to the most complicated, and they all have their champions. Here we will briefly discuss a few of them, such as linear interpolation, polygon estimation, estimation by inverse distance, estimation by fixed radius local averaging, and
Numerical Methods, Abundance increases and Maxima
Here you can read a fragment of one of the “Applied Biostratigraphy” course units, that delves into the Numerical methods, abundance increases and maxima. There are numerous methods to analyze biostratigraphy data numerically and/or graphically. The following chapter describes several of these methods, which will be further explored in exercises. Shaw diagram The Shaw diagram method uses the stratigraphic ranges of species in two different sections (outcrop or well). Assumes appearance and disappearance of species
Effective stress in soil mechanics
Here you can read a fragment of one of the “Advanced Soil Mechanics” course units, that delves into the efective stress concept in soil mechanics
Bored Piles Design: geotechnical considerations
Here you can read a fragment of one of the “Design and construction of large diameter foundation bored piles” course units, that delves into the geotechnical considerations of bored piles design
The best geotechnical engineering courses given by university professors
Here at Ingeoexpert, we understand the relevance of training our students in a sector as important as geotechnical engineering. This is why we commit ourselves to creating first-rate courses, from the choice of subject matter and teaching staff, to the program structure, including which educational resources to incorporate. Geotechnical engineering, also known as geotechnics and ground engineering, is a relatively recent branch of engineering that studies and analyses how the earth responds to human interaction
Reflection seismic acquisition methods
Here you can read a fragment of one of the “Seismic interpretation on 2D and 3D ” course units, that delves into reflection seismic acquisition methods
The Monastery of El Escorial: all its history
The Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial is one of the best-known monuments in Spain, but do you know how was its construction process? Who built it and what’s the history of this magnificent construction?
The biggest and most beautiful cathedrals of Europe
Cathedrals are one of the most important representations of the architectural art trough out the history of civilizations. Imposing constructions of stone built as temples all over the map. Most of the cities around the world have one, but here we will talk about the biggest, tallest and most beautiful of Europe.
Machu Picchu: how and when was it built
Machu Picchu is Peru’s tourist destination by excellence. In 1983 was declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO and in 2011 entered the list of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. But how and when this old Inca city was built?